I am a dedicated & hard-working person who is an advocate that an approachable and interacting team is always stronger than the sum of its parts. Always eager to push people into newer technologies and methodologies but does not demand change for the sake of change.
I can build good, strong & friendly relationships with clients & can explain technical concepts & methods in terms that others can understand with greater ease. Conversely able to explain requests from clients in the way that a designer or a technical person will understand allowing them to build exactly what was requested.
My specific skills are collecting client requirements, understanding and costing these whilst ironing out any issues, as well as being on hand during the UX and design process to ensure that these requirements are being met and the project is in a good shape before, during and after the involvement of the technical team.
As well as being a Technical Manager, I have also kept myself hands on when it comes to coding, resolving coding issues and reviewing code. Over the last few years this had mainly been focused around extending the possibilities of WordPress for clients who enjoy the admin friendly experience; so mainly focused on PHP, SCSS / CSS, JS/jQuery solutions, for complex Theme & Plugin development. This has included resolving the more challenging client requirements / larger projects as well as being the person on hand if the hosting set to be a non-standard AWS / Platform.SH solution the server team otherwise offered.
On the technical side, I have 10+ years’ experience working with LAMP (also WAMP, XAMPP & LNAMP …etc) stacks for local development (be that native local dev or via systems like Docker), using version controlling software tools like SVN & git for project repos, using the latter for linting and deployment via CI/CD to staging & production environments on AWS, Lambda, and others. I also have over 15 years in SQL and it’s flavours (mySQL, MSSQL, Oracle, MariaDB …etc), as well as server management (Ubuntu, CentOS, Windows, serverless), using Apache, nginx, express & IIS, with different solutions being based upon specific client of project needs. Additionally, using tools like GTM for tagging and goal benchmarking, as well as OG and social integration / optimisation.
Note: Even though I have currently located in Devon, I have been virtually working beyond. Prior to COVID-19, my time was split between working from home and office working; with COVID-19 resulting in working remotely full time.
- Name: Anton McCoy
- D.O.B.: 9th August 1976
- Job: Head of Technology
- Citizenship: British
- Residence: Devon / Bristol
- E-mail: website@anton.co.uk